by lacey | Oct 21, 2021 | Authority, Business, Facebook Live, Insights, Instagram, LinkedIn, Live-stream, Marketing, Podcast, Sales, Social Media, Strategy, Video, Visibility
Have you found that video can be overwhelming and you’re not sure what form of videos you should be recording. There’s TikTok’s, IG Reels, Facebook Live, ANy type of Live Video, Instagram Tv’s…. The list goes on. With a long list of different types of videos to record...
by lacey | Oct 14, 2021 | Facebook Live, Instagram, LinkedIn, Live-stream, Podcast, Social Media, Video, Visibility
In a world where building your brand means showing your face, it’s not always easy to show up on camera. You may have days where you don’t feel confident. You don’t know what to say, question if anyone wants to hear what you have to say and you’re worried about how...
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