The Video Visibility with Alicia podcast is a business marketing podcast that discusses all things video marketing and how women can leverage video to show up as the powerhouse women that they are so they can be unforgettable on video.
The Video Visibility with Alicia podcast is for the Business Owner, CEO, and Corporate Professional that wants to grow their personal brand by leveraging video.
Each week listeners will hear no fluff honest conversations on video strategy for your brand and business so that you can show up as your unapologetic self confidently on video, stand out in your industry and convert viewers to clients.
This Video Visibility podcast with Alicia is hosted by Alicia Henderson, Video and Business Strategist.
Launched March 2018
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How to Use Video as an Authority Building Platform Podcast Episode 23
Video is the hottest thing right now on all of the social media platforms. In today’s episode, we’re going to chat about how you can use video to build your authority as a Business owner. Video is one of the fastest ways to grow your audience. Video can be used in...

How Blogging Can Jumpstart Your Visibility:: Podcast Episode 22
Are you ready to grow your authority and market your business with blogging? Blogging is a great start to get seen and get visible. Contrary to what’s being taught today, blogging isn’t dead. In this episode, I will discuss how you get started with...

How to Grow Your Visibility with Podcasts
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast to incorporate into your marketing strategy? Or have you wanted to be featured on podcasts to grow and get more visibility and utilize someone else’s platform to grow your audience? Podcasting is one of the hottest ways...

The September Focus Method to 10x Your Biz Episode 20
As we head into Quarter 4 in a few weeks it’s time to increase Your Visibility for the rest of 2020. September isn't over yet and 2020 isn’t over. COVID may have thrown you off in some way. For me, I’ve had to adjust to having my older kids back home for...

How to Network on Social Media: Facebook
Facebook is a great platform to network, build relationships, and book clients. Networking is important because it allows you to get to know people who you can support and who can support you in business. Networking is beneficial for both you and the other person...

How to Use Social Media to Get Visible and Attract Clients
Episode Sponsored by the Get Seen, Get Known Visibility Audit. To invest in the Get Seen Get Known audit head on over to URL: & don’t delay. Get seen and known as the go-to for your...

Don’t be Afraid of Selling During a Pandemic
There’s some bad advice going around the online space that small businesses and entrepreneurs shouldn’t be selling at this time. That we should be quiet and not offer our services, courses and programs because people are struggling and that they don’t have any money....

Why Your Business Shouldn’t Pivot During a Pandemic
Pivot.. pivot.. pivot.. Is now the right time to pivot in your business and should you be doing so? Every guru right now is telling you how you need to pivot in your business. This isn’t bad advice, and for some businesses it is a good idea but for your...

Don’t Bank Your Business On Social Media Episode 16
When you started your business the first thing you wanted to do was tell everyone on social media. You tell your friends and family to “Like your Page” or to “Follow us”. You shout from the rooftops about your business on social media because you’re so excited. You...

Lesson on 2019- Bonus Episode 1 of The Empirenista Business Success Podcast
2020 is here and I’m excited to see the growth I’ll have this year. Before I plan, launch or create new programs, I like to do an audit review of the previous year so that I make sure I don’t repeat the same mistakes or have the same problems I had the year before....