Episode Sponsored by the Get Seen, Get Known Visibility Audit. To invest in the Get Seen Get Known audit head on over to URL: https://aliciahenderson.biz/visibility-audit/ & don’t delay. Get seen and known as the go-to for your services.
Social media is to get social and visible. It’s a great way for you to build your authority and credibility. Builds know, like, and trust which = investment.
Using social media to get visible is one of the easiest things you can do for your business. When you show up on the platforms that your ideal audience hangs out you’re not wasting your time. You don’t want to be visible on the platforms where they are not hanging out on social media.
Showing up for your business means
Hang out and observe
Post/share your own stuff
Social Media is great for:
Great for building relationships
Places for your visibility:
Your FB biz pages/profiles
Other groups
Your Group
Your Personal Page
Doing it a way that’s not annoying but feels good to you. This doesn’t mean hopping from the one “it-girl” of the hour to the next.
[Tweet “Listen if you’re not visible, you’re not seen, and if you’re not seen no one can buy from you. “]
Thanks for listening! Don’t forget to share this episode with a biz friend who is looking to get more visible.
Let’s continue this conversation over on The Empirenista Business Incubator with Alicia Henderson. How will you apply these tips to your visibility plan?
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